Renzo Nucara, Solo Work – Miami

admin | ottobre 29th, 2010 - 17:50

Art Deco Welcome Center


Renzo Nucara (born in Crema, Italy, in 1955) gets his high school diploma in 1973 specializing in art subjects. He then attends the Brera Academy of Art in Milan. His first personal art exhibition is dated back to 1977 and was performed at the art gallery ‘Ticino’ of Milan.

During the 80’s, his works articulate around the Diary theme. Emotions, sensations, ‘daily facts’ are written off on canvas and regard backwards or fragmented phrases. The latter are intentionally located in a space between the explicit and the concealed as well as between what the artist wants to reveal and what he prefers to keep silent. In the following years, the writings become signs while the canvas are replaced by tridimensional works. New materials are used, such as woods, discovered objects, transparent films, to create Boxes of Memories favoring a playful and ironic approach.

He goes back to bidimensional works, Reperti, that characterize his artistic production of the 90s. These works are forms that evoke objects already corroded by time, first carried out with paper-pulp and foam rubber and then with plastic material on which layers of colors, grains, pigments and elements of the natural world thicken.

In 1993, he founds with other five artists the Cracking Art Group. The chosen material is plastic that becomes the mean of a social and ecological commitment. Together with the group he takes part to the 49° Biennale of Venice, through the SOS World installation: more than thousand turtles of recycled and golden plastic occupying the gardens around the historic pavilions.

Beside the performances and installations of the Cracking Art, Renzo Nucara develops his artistic research centered in the first years of 2000 on Resinfilm, resin stratifications, pigments, artificial and natural objects, which has become the basis of his actual works, Stratofilm.

He works and lives in Bergamo, Italy.

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