Aldo Chaparro



During the 70’s, my father and his business associate, my uncle, opened what they named: “The school association of esoteric studies” in Lima. My memories of the school are vague. I remember a third floor in an old building in downtown, on which the central area, covered from side to side with a carpet in indigo blue, functioned as a yoga classroom. Next to it you could find two offices, one belonged to my father and another one to my uncle. Both were filled with books from floor to ceiling. My father and my uncle called each other “brother”, as well as the rest of the people involved in the school. My uncle called me brother too. 

To engage in a conversation with them always involved graph paper, a very sharp pencil, an eraser, a ruler, and color markers. Everything they did was visually based, so part of their processes was to translate everything into maps and diagrams. That was what my father did the best: posters with drawings and diagrams, which they used to give their lessons. My father was always making those maps (small or large), cards with phrases, and also geometric designs. His maps fascinated me though I understood very little. Certainly my father’s determination towards achieving perfection with those diagrams was actually what validated his arguments. He could’ve been saying anything, but the way he managed to express his ideas undeniably showed he believed in them deeply. In my house, my father, my brother and me, were always interested in crafting. It was quite common to see anyone of us embarking complicated projects. However, my father could devote for weeks to restore and bind an old book or any of those diagrams he made. That’s undoubtedly the source of the education and processes which I started with him, and which I continue until today in my own studio.

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