Erika Calesini, born in 1975, resides in San Giovanni in Marignano province of Rimini. She started working after graduation at the School of Art F. Mengaroni (Ps), as a designer of accessories. Then begins to compose forms in copper wire from his imagination or dictated by simple dreams as his first work: “Tree of Light”. “Art gives me balance, strength, vitality, is a sublimation of life itself.” Aided by his father, who passed on the noble art of wrought iron, Erika deftly blends the creativity and craftsmanship, has decided to revive the forgotten objects. Erika’s creations are in fact born in landfills where her research oxidized those objects from the story that keep the memories and the emotions felt by those who owned them, so these creations speak of feelings of recovery and recycling of the soul. There is something that attracts more of everything: the means of transport or any part thereof. “In front of my house-the artist says-there is a bike path. I see old men go every day with their bicycles, battered, scarred by life, and I realize more and more as every bike is different and strikingly resembles the man who rides, as happens with dogs and their owners … “. It is his reflection that comes from this series of bicycles on canvas as well as gives a love of travel and the constant motion satisfying new sources of stimuli. The two wheels are the great love of Erika, a symbol of freedom, and dream of lightness, but firmly attached to the land. This means of transport, an ancient but now, that’s been flying at the same time slips stood in the street, is present in many creations of the artist worked, welded, tapped, pinched by presses, disassembled and reassembled, and then placed on various media nature. The series of “mid-morning” and “evening” represents the feelings of the passage, of change, wonderfully expressed in “Human life and its realities,” where the two wheels are decorated with roses, perfume, but also from thorns, made with the piston of the air chambers. Is extraordinarily nostalgic “Teresa and her spending,” a purple bicycle wicker basket on which the artist has produced authentically vintage, which has found after diligent search, such as Brylcreem Linetti, vermouth Punt e Mes, soaps French 50s.
The artist has already completed many art exhibitions and personal association with Art & Environnement included in the program of the United Nations Environment-UNEP, presented the work “Ricicletta” to “Noga Beach” of Cannes, in ‘s global initiative “Plant for the Planet: The Campaign for the UNEP Billion Tree”, aimed at a reforestation project in the world, to launch a strong environmental message against deforestation.